Monday, July 12, 2010

John Philip Sousa, The March King, seen through his family's eyes

John Philip Sousa, our great-grandfather, and great-great grandfather,  if alive today, would be 155 years old!!   John Phillip Sousa has left all of us quite a legacy.
His marches are heard everywhere today:  the "Monty Python Flying Circus" commercial theme song
(The Liberty Bell)", Philadelphia's WRTI plays a Sousa march as their wake up call and the march
heard around the world, "The Stars and STripes Forever".

We, the Sousa family, wanted to share more about our great grandfather with some history and
photos on this web site.

It's difficult to imaginethat marches such as The Washington Post (1889) and Siemper Fedelis(1888)
were writtem more than a 150 years ago!!To me, John Philip Sousa, was like the Pual McCartney of our
time or the Jonas Brothers.....but he has left an indelible imprint on ALL GENERATIONS.

John Philip Sousa was born in Washington DC on November 6th 1854.  While growing up he saw and heard the marching bands of the civil war era.  Seeing these bands march through the streets of WDC left
a lasting impression on him as you will soon find out.

Antoinio Sousa, my great great grandfather played dthe trombone for the United States Marine Band
and brought his son to practice with him (...........).